Digital acceleration has opened the door for Accounts Payable to become a strategic partner within the organization. How are best-in-class teams rising to the challenge?

Join us on June 14th for a first look at the results of this year’s State of ePayables research. Ardent Partners analyst Bob Cohen and Gunita Bindra from Bottomline will share best practices and key steps that leading organizations can take to become strategic partners within their organization and ensure efficient and fraud-free AP operations. In this 1-hour webinar, you’ll get:
  • Top AP priorities and challenges in 2022
  • Performance benchmarks and commonalities of best-in-class strategic AP teams
  • Tips on how to optimize invoice and payment processing regardless of staff location
  • Strategies to keep your operations on track today and tomorrow
Don’t miss out on this first look at how best-in-class AP departments are rising to the challenge of an increasingly digital world in 2022 and how you can too.

RSVP Today

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Tiki Bar - Pagan Idol

Located in the heart of downtown San Francisco

Monday, April 24 2017

Doors open at 7pm; come early to ensure entry


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Please take a look at last year's State of ePayables report! Registrants for the webinar will receive a complementary copy of the 2022 report.

Read the report