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What the TLS initiative means for you.

In order to protect their services, Bacs are making significant updates to the security around Bacstel-IP for submitting your payment and collection files, and interacting with the Bacs Payment Services Website. 

These changes will involve a move to TLS (Transport Layer Security) from SSL by June 2016, and a migration from version one of the Secure Hashing Algorithm (SHA-1) to SHA-2, which will be complete by 2020.

Of the two changes, TLS is the most pressing for organisations that submit files to Bacs themselves or on behalf of others, meaning your Bacs software will need to be TLS compliant by the June deadline or you will not be able to use Bacs services.

In this webinar we’ll talk about:

  • What TLS and SHA-2 are and why Bacs need to change
  • The impacts on Bacs Service Users in terms of sending payments to Bacs and using the Bacs Payment Services Website
  • The timeline, and the need to make your systems compliant now
  • Keeping compliant with Bacs.


Richard Ransom

Product Marketing Manager

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Thursday, 29 October , 11:00 (GMT)