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Join us for our Session

Payments Fraud: How do de-risk mission-critical business transactions

Date: Wednesday 14 Oct at 15.30

Venue: Sibos Community session, located in conference Room 5, on Level 3

Payments fraud, data leakages, and cyber-attacks are all over the media. But how do we address fraud in a changing world veering towards full digitalisation, mobile access, and globalisation?  The obvious first step is to reinforce firewalls and systems access to protect against external attacks. However this does not address insider fraud and data theft which are carried out by authorised users employing simple, legitimate commands to manipulate systems and data. This is further complicated by the increased focus on cyber security stipulated by the regulators, new threats coming from cloud based offerings, and the need to better control mission-critical transactions that the SWIFT community has to handle every day.

This presentation highlights the requirement for a multi-disciplinary approach and outlines various security layers based on industries cases.

Visit www.bottomline.com to learn more.


Eric Campbell

Eric Campbell
SVP, Strategic Accounts
Portsmouth, US

Etienne Savatier
International Sales Director
Geneva, CH

Frederic Viard

Frédéric Viard
Marketing Director
Geneva, CH