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Turning Accounts Payable Into a Strategic Partner: How AP Automation Drives Better Financial Visibility and Decision-Making


Financial decision-making is a balancing act. Senior executives must balance priorities such as corporate growth, profits, and cash flow against concerns about debt, regulation, and cost of goods. But keeping these priorities and concerns in balance requires tremendous financial insights. It is for this reason that senior finance executives are taking a greater interest in accounts payable automation. What are these senior finance executives hoping to achieve by automating accounts payable? Lower overall accounts payable costs are certainly part of the equation, and rightfully so.

But of greater importance, according to research from the Aberdeen Group, are strategic benefits that affect procurement, treasury and the C-suite. In this white paper, we’ll share industry and peer insights into the growing importance of financial visibility to senior finance executives, four components of accounts payable automation that deliver strategic visibility benefits, and examples of real-world organisations that have achieved such benefits from accounts payable automation.

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